Start a new month
When the new month starts, you can reconcile last month and see where did your money really went, and how your plans matched reality.
For the new month, you need to create a new Budget. You will probably not start from 0, so you can copy last month budget or the avarage of the last 3.

Every start of the month is a good moment to reflect on your last month budget and see if there is something in it that is not quite matching your reality, for example:
- You plan to save money for the month but at the end you always use it for something else
- There are some semi-recurrent spendings like gifts or occassional trips
- You always underestimate the spending on X category
When you recognize such things, you must act. Acting would be e.g.: giving a higher number to a category, create a new category or force yourself to change your spending habits 😁.